Generate more Revenue

There are many ways to increase your revenue. 
I will share few of  them right now.

Get more customers:

What i mean by that you have to get more customers in order to increase your revenue. The more customer you have the more revenue you will generate.

Greater the average transaction size:

What that means is, you need to sell more of your product to customers. the more you sell product the more you increase your revenue.

Increasing the number times buyer buys:

What i mean by that, you have to make the buyer to buy from you more often. you need to interact with them make them feel like they can trust you.

Increasing prices:

Increasing the prices will automatically takes you to huge profit. that's how you generate  more revenue. but be careful! don't over price your product, because you don't want to lose customers.

Thank you guys! and if you have any question feel free to ask in the comments.

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